Florida Writing Help

Various Products, Consistent High Quality

Original content, fast

Every assignment is written from scratch and passes two-level quality control. You will receive the fully original paper, guaranteed. If urgent, your task can be done within hours

Over 70 subjects

As far as we hire experts from almost 20 fields of study, you can get help with over 70 academic disciplines, from English Composition to Information Technologies

Prices that you’ll love

Deadline, academic level, and volume affect the final price, but we still keep it student-friendly. Also, get bonuses from orders and pay with them.

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Essay Advice in Florida and across the US

What does the word “custom” mean? It stands for the paper written from scratch in a plagiarism-free, unique copy. The good news for you is that we at FloridaEssay, have a bee in the bonnet about delivering 100% original content. That said, we tackle each and every assignment a student obtains in class or as a homework assignment. We also help young professionals who need to do a lot of writing for their career growth.

No matter whether you are a high school student needing help with writing a gun control essay or a college graduate striving to obtain his or her degree, we can help!

Why should you waste precious time on things you do not find interesting or simply don’t understand? Earlier, students had to handle everything alone or with the help of their parents and peers. However, the knowledge of the boy-next-door is not enough. He is a student just like you, so he lacks corresponding experience in research, reading, comprehension, writing, and editing. Thanks to our strict writers' selection process, you can be 100% sure about the top-notch quality of the ordered service.

Do you lack time or inspiration?
Pressured to perform
Your solution is ordering a paper help!
Find the assignment boring?
Simply not made for writing?
Order a paper!

Top-Quality Writing Services
You Can Order from Us

When ordering any paper from FloridaEssay, in addition to unconditional quality and guaranteed originality, you get FREE title and reference pages, 3 revisions, formatting, and email delivery. Keep in mind that within every writing service, we can help you with advice, check out and improve your paper, as well as write any piece from scratch partially or entirely.


Decide whether you need a reflective, descriptive, definition, compare-and-contrast, cause-&-effect, narrative, persuasive, or character analysis essay. Right, plenty of essay types exist, and our experts know the best approach to writing each of them. Getting unique essay advice in Florida or anywhere in the US has never been easier!


Once the time for a coursework project comes, you can count on our helping hand. Original ideas, solution-oriented approach, deep analysis, clear outcomes, problem-solving input, and, of course, content uniqueness to prove your competence in the particular field – that's what you get when order the coursework from us.

Case study

It is a quite peculiar type of paper, which requires specific skills to get it done right. We have a pool of writers who specialize exclusively in writing flawless case studies. Hence, when you order case study from us – be it on business, philosophy, politics or any other topic – you get professional help with problem investigation, situation analysis, research, document structuring, etc. In the end, the paper draws data-backed conclusions and offers best-suited solutions.


Writing a report is not that hard as much as is it boring and time-consuming. Our writers will present a comprehensive article/book/movie plot summary (with citations included) or a description of experiment results (lab report). Believe us, your tutor will dwell in all certainty you've read, watch or did whatever you reported!

Critical thinking

To write a solid critical thinking paper, you must possess advanced analytical skills. If you're not self-confident on this account but don't want to bungle the job, you might want to consider seeking assistance from our service. Our qualified writers will exhibit observations and interpretive abilities, enhancing them with logic and strong arguments in order to showcase your cognition in any field, be it philosophy, economy or literature.

Term paper

Closer to the end of the study term, it may appear that a student is missing a powerful term paper to pass a certain course successfully. That is not a problem when you have professional writers by your side! Tell us the topic or a subject that you need a term paper for – and we will come up with the perfectly structured and formatted document that includes abstract, introduction, research synthesis, discussion, and conclusions.

Argumentative essay

Debating is not easy. Sometimes, it is not enough to mention the personal opinion, you should also be able to defend your position by reasoning and proving your point. If you lack the force of conviction or can't find research and fact to back your idea, contact us to get help with a sound, hardly contestable argumentative essay!

Annotated bibliography

Annotated bibliography can be a real thorn in your side! What format should it be? How to summarize and evaluate sources? Which parts must be italicized and which lines to indent? You won't have to worry about these nuances if you call on our service. We'll write or check the annotated bibliography in full compliance with strict MLA, APA or even Chicago style specs. And it will perfectly reflect your paper!

Creative writing

Creative writing requires inspiration, vision, and a masterful command of words. If you don't have time or enthusiasm for that, we could be your virtuoso ghostwriter and create any part or a whole story with intriguing set up, catchy plot, spectacular 'boiling point', and dramatic resolution. Your tutor might even call you next Joanne Rowling or Stephen King!

Article help

Do you need to write an article but don't know where to start from or dabble in the topic? Hire our writers to eventually get an easy-to-read, correctly structured, visually appealing and interesting story for the right audience that hooks from the very beginning and does make sense. You're unlikely to win the Pulitzer Prize with it, but your tutor should be completely satisfied.

Blog writing

A blog post is quite an ephemeral and vague literary form. It could provide some expert comment on a specific topic or subject, ranging from beauty to international politics; or it could be a personal online diary; or a facility used to advertise something. Whatever kind of blog writing you need – we've got that covered. The masterful merger of high-quality text with media content is a matter-of-course.

Article review

When writing an article review, you must demonstrate your ability to tumble to the ideas expressed in the piece, analyze, and summarize the information. Our writers can do just that to represent your humble response to the article and save your day.

Literature review

Do you need academic literature review, which looks into publications on the subject of your interest? With our service, you get a profound document with a brief summary of every piece of literature used in your paper. They also will be sorted out and evaluated from the perspective of identifying the 'main organizing principle' (MPO) and emphasizing how it's encoded in every supporting paper.

Book report

Didn't carve out time to read another lengthy book because of heavy studying load, but now you need to review it? Keep in mind that there is a service by your side that can figure it out for you. Just share the name of the book with us and receive the top-notch book review in no time.

Movie review

Are you overwhelmed with tasks coming from all sides and don't have time to watch a movie that you must review? Or you anticipate the idea that you've got the director's idea wrong? We're here to help you out with a perfectly structured, well-reasoned, unique movie review.


Often, a brief task is anything but the easy one. There are good reasons why they say brevity is the soul of wit. If you have hard times figuring out how to summarize the major points and ideas of the written work in a nutshell – be it the Shakespearean play or libertarian manifesto – it's a perfect time to contact our gifted writers. They will provide a synopsis that covers the core of the reviewed document.


Speech is one of the most time-consuming and effort-demanding tasks out there. If you want to inflame the audience, you must keep your oratory short, emotional, and, of course, meaningful. Our writers can show how to prepare an impressive speech or do that for you. Who knows, maybe this skill will help you get elected to a presidency one day!

Go on, cast your worries aside and place the order to enjoy the best pieces of writing you have ever seen and become a better student!

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