Florida Essay Examples


The Role of Partnerships in Early Years Settings Essay Example


The early years are when parents are central figures in their children’s lives. When the children start attending nursery school or child care centre, the teacher becomes another dominant figure in the child’s learning and development. The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) advocates positive relationships and encourages partnerships between early childhood practitioners and parents. They should work together to support young children’s growth, learning and development. Both are experts in their ways when it comes to the child. Parents are experts on their children,…

Mattrers of Law and Matters of Ethics in Business Essay Example

A. Definition of Ethics and How Ethics Compare to Law

Businesses are susceptible to ethical and legal issues due to various choices, decisions, strategies, and activities associated with their operations. Making unethical decisions can create many problems in the industry, even though the person who made the blunder will not be charged in the court of law. Business ethics entail the principles, rules, or obligations separating morally right principles and morally wrong principles (Duh et al., 2010). Well-run organizations establish a 'Code of Ethics' that gives their employees…

Half-way to Equality Essay Sample

The issue of gender equality stopped being an inappropriate topic for public discussion or a far-fetched problem years ago. It is no longer surprising when a woman decides to build a career in addition to starting a family or even instead of it. Women become CEOs, presidents, prime-ministers, and introduce cardinal changes to all spheres of human activity, from science to space. However, I still feel that we have stopped half-way to equality without taking the next necessary step to make the issue obsolete. I wish I was already living in an epoch when raising a question of gender equality would equate discussing…

State, Surveillance, and Society Essay Example

The use of big data in surveillance is aimed at encroaching what was originally done privately. Indeed, this is against the background that the Americans have always loved privacy and hence it has become difficult for the surveillance teams to establish the lawbreaking incidents that happen in these zones. On the other hand, the Fourth and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States’ Constitution kept the government intrusions to people’s private lives at bay. However, the introduction of the internet and mobile gadgets has significantly changed how people perceive this piece of legislation. On websites, people…

Civil Liberties and Civil Rights Essay Example

The First Amendment to the US constitution guarantees five different freedoms and liberties. These are freedom of speech, religion, press, religion, right to petition the government, and freedom of assembly. The First Amendment is a fundamental part of the Bill of Rights and an infringement on these rights has considerable consequences. As the society changes, there is a need to adapt the protections to the new societal dynamics and ways of expression. The First Amendment need to be expanded to cover new forms of expression previously not considered or are vague in the…

Federalism under the Marshall Court Essay Example

The influence of John Marshall of Virginia changed the course of American federalism. Marshall’s input came as a result of complaints that the Constitution was too ambiguous. His leadership was evident during the last-minute expansion of the judiciary for the federalists in 1801 (U.S. History). Therefore, federalism under the Marshall court was a balanced one with powers for both the federal and state governments and enhanced the position of the United States Supreme Court.

Federalism under the Marshall courts refers to a balanced system providing the federal…

Comparative Analysis of Plato and Aristotle’s Epistemologies


Basically, philosophers are empiricists. They seek to document and explain what exists in space and time in a verifiable manner. This is opposed to metaphysics where knowledge is acquired through some supernatural revelation that cannot be proven in the real world.  “Epistemology” is the sum total of the process used to generate and develop knowledge. Every scholar has a unique scope, methodology, rationality of belief, and justification of knowledge. This becomes their epistemology. This purpose of this paper is to compare and contrast between the epistemologies of Plato and Aristotle.


The Inclusion of Diverse and Minority Populations In Social Research Essay Examplw

In the contemporary world of social research, both diversity and inclusion have been of important priority, as events have reinforced it over the past few years. Concerning diversity, it ensures that the entire research significantly represents a wide array of identities, experiences, and backgrounds. On the other hand, inclusion denotes valuing and appreciating different people's perspectives to allow everybody to succeed and enjoy the feeling of being included in research work without conforming to any regulations (Mapes et al., 2020). In general, social inclusion entails actions that…

How Has the Internet Changed the Way We Learn Stuff?

internet education

The Internet has largely impacted society by allowing individuals to have access to a virtual repository of information, with sources available at one’s fingertips. This is an age where you can discover information about a new topic or question by simply Googling it. You can be informed within seconds. My older family members constantly tell me how lucky I am to have such immediate access to anything I want to know. They say that back in their day, the only way to find out information was by reading…

The Last Lecture Book Report

favourite book essay

Kind of like the Pavlov’s dog, reading my nursing book for a few minutes was the bell I needed to get the reward I bestowed upon myself. In this case, my prize was to watch makeup tutorial videos. I figured watching random videos would decrease the sense of urgency to study, but in reality, I was just in denial, and I was procrastinating.

As I was drawn to this makeup artist's relentless butchering of the word "like" by using it between every word, I saw on my recommended videos a pixelated…